Doc McStuffins is an animated children's television series produced by Brown Bag Films. It was created and executive produced by Humanities Prize and Emmy Award-winner Chris Nee and premiered on March 23, 2012 on Disney Channel and Disney Junior. This ultra soft Lambie jumpsuit has an adorable tutu and ribbon details on the cuffs. It also has the official Doc McStuffins logo. The ultra soft character headpiece has an adorable pink bow, just like Lambie in the show.
- Polyester
- Quality materials used to make Disguise products
- Fun, Colorful, Inventive designs to put you in the world of role play
- Whether it's Halloween, birthday parties, or even a fun filled night, disguise is good for everything!
- Soft Jumpsuit with attached tutu and Doc Mcstuffins logo
- Soft character headpiece with pink bow
- Shoes not included